Archive for October, 2007

Why do we need an invisible tank??

Above is a picture of an “invisible bike” “invisible tank”.  You can read more details about it in this article, but the highlight is: In secret trials last week, the Army said it had made a vehicle completely disappear and predicted that an invisible tank would be ready for service by 2012. Now I’m not […]

Nice start Veronica!

My friend Veronica Belmont, who recently left CNET to go to Mahalo, is off to a fun start. I’m not 100% sure what the rest of the show will be like, but this is definitely a good beginning! Congrats Veronica, I hope they stay as fun as this one…

My new blog

I started blogging in late ’04 at LIVEdigitally, and for the most part have enjoyed it quite a bit.  Sometimes I get tired of the tech lifestyle bit, so take breaks (I’m in a “post every few days” mode right now).  I also have an Engadget column that needs more of my attention and due […]