Arrested Development: The Movie? Annyong!

This weekend was chock full o great news.

Beyond the Patriots losing the Superbowl…

Beyond me getting two awesome naps…

Beyond me finishing up some really annoying tax paperwork…

A friend sent me a link to a story announcing a potential Arrested Development movie! OMG!  Look at banner!

Seriously, I think AD is solidly on top of my list of favorite TV shows of all time.  I keep copies of every episode on my portable hard drive and watch at least one episode per flight.  I even (yes, this is sad) rate them all in a little list I keep (tops: Bringing Up BusterAmigosAfternoon Delight).  In fact (yes, sadder, I know), I’m also tracking all references to “her?” (so far the most occurrences are in this episode, you gotta lock that down!).  Yeah, it’s a little like having The OCD (don’t call it that!), but hey, a little obsession can’t hurt.

I really hope this movie comes out.  It’s like The Office doing the extra 2-hour episode a couple of years after finishing shooting.  Rounds out the stories, and gives us fans a little something extra for our vaults.  Well, I guess that’s enough for this post.  I know I can write a little long sometimes.  Oh Jeremy, you blowhard!

(out of context)

One Response to “Arrested Development: The Movie? Annyong!”

  1. Steven Jones Says:

    Well, that was a freebie!

    Agreed this trumps all the weekend news. It doesn’t take an Analrapist to see that this will be bigger than the Queen Mary!

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